Bienvenidos a Kinesiología Florida

En nuestro consultorio ofrecemos reeducación postural global, terapias manuales y tratamientos para parálisis facial periférica, ATM y drenaje linfático manual. Su bienestar es nuestra prioridad.

Hands appear to be performing a massage technique on a person's back, with fingers pressing into the back near the shoulders. The person receiving the massage is laying on a soft surface with their face turned to the side.
Hands appear to be performing a massage technique on a person's back, with fingers pressing into the back near the shoulders. The person receiving the massage is laying on a soft surface with their face turned to the side.
Nuestro enfoque integral
Compromiso con la salud

Contamos con un equipo profesional dedicado a brindar atención personalizada y efectiva. Reserve su turno fácilmente a través de nuestro ícono de WhatsApp y descubra cómo podemos ayudarle.

Servicios Kinesiología

Ofrecemos reeducación postural, terapias manuales y drenaje linfático para tu bienestar integral.

Hands are applying gentle pressure on a person's back, indicating a massage or physical therapy session. The person is lying down and wearing a gray garment.
Hands are applying gentle pressure on a person's back, indicating a massage or physical therapy session. The person is lying down and wearing a gray garment.
A close-up of a person's back being massaged, highlighting the tactile interaction and the gentle touch involved in the massage process.
A close-up of a person's back being massaged, highlighting the tactile interaction and the gentle touch involved in the massage process.
Reeducación Postural

Mejoramos tu postura y alineación corporal mediante técnicas especializadas y personalizadas para cada paciente.

Terapias Manuales

Tratamientos efectivos para aliviar dolores y mejorar la movilidad, adaptados a tus necesidades específicas.

Opiniones Clientes

Descubre lo que dicen nuestros pacientes sobre sus experiencias.

Manos mágicas!

Natalia L.
A person is giving a massage in a dimly lit room. The focus is on the hands applying pressure on the back of the individual lying down. The atmosphere appears calm and therapeutic.
A person is giving a massage in a dimly lit room. The focus is on the hands applying pressure on the back of the individual lying down. The atmosphere appears calm and therapeutic.


El tratamiento de drenaje linfático manual fue muy efectivo, me sentí renovada y con más energía después de las sesiones. ¡Recomiendo este consultorio sin dudar!

A person lies face down on a massage table while another person applies pressure on their back with both hands. The setting appears calm and the clothes suggest a casual, relaxed environment, possibly in a spa or therapy center.
A person lies face down on a massage table while another person applies pressure on their back with both hands. The setting appears calm and the clothes suggest a casual, relaxed environment, possibly in a spa or therapy center.
Marcela C.

florida, Vte. López


Galería de Terapias

Explora nuestras técnicas de kinesiología y tratamientos personalizados.

Hands performing a massage on a person's back, applying pressure to specific points. The setting is bright and calming, with soft focus creating a tranquil atmosphere.
Hands performing a massage on a person's back, applying pressure to specific points. The setting is bright and calming, with soft focus creating a tranquil atmosphere.
A person wearing a dark shirt is lying down, while another person's hands are pressing on their back or chest area. This seems to be either a massage or a therapy session.
A person wearing a dark shirt is lying down, while another person's hands are pressing on their back or chest area. This seems to be either a massage or a therapy session.
A person is lying on a massage table, covered with a dark towel, receiving a face massage. The massage therapist's hands are gently pressing on the person's forehead and eyes. The environment appears calm and relaxing.
A person is lying on a massage table, covered with a dark towel, receiving a face massage. The massage therapist's hands are gently pressing on the person's forehead and eyes. The environment appears calm and relaxing.
A person is lying down on a treatment bed covered with a white towel. Another individual is standing beside, placing their hands on the person's shoulders as if about to perform a massage or therapy. The scene appears to be in a spa or similar wellness setting.
A person is lying down on a treatment bed covered with a white towel. Another individual is standing beside, placing their hands on the person's shoulders as if about to perform a massage or therapy. The scene appears to be in a spa or similar wellness setting.